Flash back with me, to 2014, Seattle, Washington.
I was traveling to photograph a dear friends wedding just outside of Seattle at Deception Pass. While I was exploring the city of Seattle, I met Graeme. He was traveling after a year of teaching Math in North Carolina, and we became fast friends.
While we explored The Seattle Gum Wall, Pike Brewing Company and hiked up Queen Ann Hill. Graeme explained to me that he had just broken up with a long time girlfriend that he was supposed to be on the trip with. She was actually staying somewhere in Seattle. Little did we know, she was actually staying Green Tortoise Hostel, our hostel!
A few beers into the night, I said to him "Don't worry about it, the next girl you meet, you are going to marry, and I am going to travel to Scotland and photograph your wedding". It was sealed with a handshake. My first thought: Yeah, right, I will see you on Facebook...
Flash forward 5 years to 2017. My phone dings, it's Whats App from Graeme asking if we could video chat.
Turns out, he is engaged to Kirsty, the girl he met three months after returning home from his Seattle trip in 2014.
He and Kirsty wanted to honor our handshake and have me over to photograph his wedding in July 2018 at The Cow Shed, in Crail Scotland.
HOLY COW, I get to travel across the sea to photograph a wedding! YES PLEASE.
The results were beyond my wildest dreams and I hope to travel again to Europe and Crail, Scotland to photograph another international wedding.
So, whose in?
Check out the full gallery here: https://www.lindsaystayton.photos/Cow-Shed-Crail-Scotland-Wedding
My Very favorite photo of the wedding. Graeme and Kirsty met when she needed a ride home. Graeme offered to get her home, on his bike!